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Maximizing the Likelihood of a Successful ERP Solution

Although, every organization have differing definitions of “success” and “failure”, some companies still define their productivity as repeated failures while others would recommend a reliable ERP software that has worked for them over the years.

Presently, companies are struggling to select and implement a suitable ERP software in a way they would consider a success and meet up with the demands of a cloud environment as well. ERP solutions are great, but successful implementation requires careful thought, consideration and engagement of all stakeholders.

ERP Solution selection should follow a strategic approach and disciplined process in order to maximize the likelihood of successful outcome. The following resolutions could be used to create clarity in this world of ERP Confusion.

1. Choosing the Right Vendor or Partner Before making a financial commitment, ERP decision-makers must;

  • Understand your Business Process and Software Expectations

  • Review Vendor Profile

  • Confirm Solutions and Services offered.

  • Software Comparison with industry standards

  • Flexibility of Proposed Solution to your Business Requirements

2. Scrutinization of business process workflows - Even though businesses spend a significant amount of time selecting their ERP partner, issues can be encountered during the implementation of the selected ERP solution. The following are procedures necessary at design phase to meet identified objectives;

  • Mapping of upgraded business processes

  • Incorporate Best Practices

  • Obtain a Functional Design Documentation from Vendor

  • Ultimately, Understand the Project Methodology

3. Transparency - Clear communication of Financials & Payment terms, Work plan, Key Resources and Go-Live strategy. A lack of transparency appears to be at the heart of things, as a customer would want their vendor/consultant to be transparent when it comes to the total cost of the project; while others admit they are unsure about the level of honesty offered by their partners.

4. Thorough Understanding of Application Requirements - By taking time to really get under the skin of a customer, a solution can become a strategic proposition – rather than just everyday infrastructure. When a customer’s budget is cut by 25 percent, IT decision-makers will be looking at where to make savings and quantifiable ROI. Offering them real added value and consultation may tip the balance. Customer service should always be at the forefront of your mind. There’s no substitute for human conversation!

5. Ensure Standardization during Customization - When customization increases, so does the cost and complexity of the ERP software, causing them to be delivered late and over budget. Therefore it makes sense to keep implementations as standardized as possible, focusing on the customization that really add value.

Given ERP is one of the biggest investments businesses make, particularly for mid-size organizations, it’s vital that the journey from supplier sourcing to end-users going live is a smooth one. A company’s ability to see a return on an ERP project tends to depend on how quickly it can deploy a new system, and whether it’s in line with what was promised at the outset. Any delay or overspend can have a massive impact.

Do you need a Reliable and Flexible ERP Solution???


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